Red tape reduction to help businesses in Mitchell
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Federal Member for Mitchell, Alex Hawke MP, welcomed the Abbott Government’s introduction of legislation and tabled documents to repeal over 10,000 unnecessary and counter-productive pieces of legislation and regulations.
“This is an important step toward the Coalition’s commitment of cutting $1 billion in red and green tape each year to benefit businesses, schools and community groups. This will improve our nation’s competitiveness, help to create more jobs and lower household costs.
“Most importantly it will free up vital time spent by small and medium business locally, reducing the time spent working for Government.
“Throughout Mitchell, I have spoken to many businesses, schools and community groups and have heard of how the unnecessary red tape and regulations have impacted their daily lives, said Alex Hawke.
“Child care centres, for example, are subject to 1,280 pages of law, 345 pages of regulation and 1,149 pages of guidelines. Inevitably the result is fewer services and higher fees for parents.
“Local cafés that serve alcohol and have outdoor seating must negotiate a total of 75 sets of local, state and national regulations.
“We are a Government serious about deregulation and have recently launched a website, where you can access information on the deregulation agenda, and track our commitment to cut $1 billion of red tape every year. I encourage Mitchell residents to make a submission or comment on other ways red tape can be cut, Alex Hawke said.
“One of the keys to driving productivity in Australia is to also remove unnecessary green tape for businesses and the community, while still ensuring adequate protection of the environment,
As Chair of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on the Environment we are currently undertaking an inquiry on green tape, about the potential for environmental regulations to be streamlined and made more effective,” Alex Hawke concluded.
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