Launch of the Lisa Harnum Foundation

It was a real privilege to officially launch the Lisa Harnum Foundation this morning at Castle Hill. The Lisa Harnum Foundation has been established in honour and memory of the life of Lisa who was thrown to her death from the balcony of her apartment in July 2011. This was the horrific and tragic case that gripped Sydney and Australia and graphically showed to so many what an abusive relationship can be like.

This type of innovative, specialist service is what is vitally needed in our community to address what is truly a domestic violence epidemic.

I particularly thank Lisa's mother who has given permission for this foundation to be established, founders Aileen Mountifield and Linsey Fitzgibbins and the entire board. In the words of founder and executive director Aileen Mountifield:

We aren’t just talk. We are people who will act to eradicate this epidemic.”

Photo:  Back Row (L-R) Ray Williams MP, Rohitash Prasad, Legal Aid, Supt Rob Critchlow, Hills LAC Commander, Frank Sedmak, Board Member of Lisa Harnum Foundation, Selina Getley, Executive Director, National Our Watch Campaign and Jessica Luter, White Ribbon NSW

Front Row (L-R) Deborah Sanasi, Board Member of Lisa Harnum Foundation, Aileen Mountifield Founder and Executive Director of Lisa Harnum Foundation, Linsey Fitzgibbins Founder and Financial Director Lisa Harnum Foundation and Alex Hawke MP.