In the News

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Warren ‘Woz’ Acott has Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and in spite of huge personal difficulty, last week he completed parts of the 800km journey on his ride on mower from Toolleen Victoria, to Parliament House, Canberra to raise awareness for people with MND everywhere. He is an incredible champion!

Monday, 18 March 2024

Mr HAWKE (Mitchell) (10:42): I rise today to raise the interesting state of schools in my electorate from growth figures that have been released recently and the feedback I've been receiving from principals over many years. New figures from the Department of Education reveal that schools in the Mitchell electorate are bursting at the seams, as they have been for many years.

Sunday, 03 March 2024

What a beautiful Sunday morning with Clean Up Australia. We had over 25 local community groups working to protect our streets, parks, bushland and waterways for future generations.

Thank you to our enthusiastic and helpful volunteers for their fantastic support.

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

After more than 300 days of waiting, the Opposition welcomes the Government’s response to the long-awaited Surface Fleet Review, the ambition to grow the Royal Australian Navy and the investment into Western Australia’s industrial base.

There are, however, serious flaws in Labor’s superficial plan. The Opposition is yet to be briefed on this, despite formal requests.

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Following the High Court’s decision to release 149 non-citizens into the community, Labor has failed to act to ensure our communities are not under threat. 

It is disturbing that investigations have revealed that the Albanese-Labor government made zero applications to keep the 149 non-citizen criminals in preventative detention under the Labor Government’s newly rushed detention legislation.
